
It's time to raise the bar even further

Valuepack facelift

Higher capacity. Higher energy efficiency. Even higher quality.


VALUEPACK Fact sheet

ValuePack is our customer’s all-time favourite with more than 4,000 racks delivered. It has continuously been developed, optimised and improved over the past 10 years. It’s time to raise the bar even further. It’s time for a facelift. 

Higher capacity

ValuePack means value for money and compact size.
Thanks to the optimised pipe design with lower pressure drop, better compressor control with smaller gap between compressors, and the possibility of choosing bigger compressors, you get even more capacity without compromising the compact size.

> 25% more freezing capacity
> 5% more cooling capacity



even higher quality

ValuePack is an all-time favourite among our customers for a reason. In addition to being simple and compact, it also comes with a lot of standard equipment. But the word “standard”
doesn’t really qualify: it should really be “high standard” equipment.

Patented receiver design with integrated coil and suction accumulator
> Protects against liquid slugging
> Improves the operational reliability of the system
> Extends the lifetime of the rack in the long term
> Safer system

Optimised oil system
> Contributes to less oil circulation in the system
> Better heat transfer in the evaporator
> L
ess problems getting oil back  

Higher energy efficiency

A wide range of energy saving options are available for ValuePack.
With the introduction of Low Superheat as standard option, we are now able to increase energy efficiency even further contributing to lower energy consumption and lower operating costs.

Benefits of Low Superheat
> Minimum 10% energy savings
> 1½ - 2 years payback time
> Less defrost of cabinets
> Safe solution as no liquid is returned to the compressors 
> Well-proven solution: 2 years of operation in 30 stores across Europe in both cold and warm climate


Read more about ValuePack